CSC107 - Lab 2
Majority Wisdom

Assigned Jan 20th
Due Jan 25nd Beginning of Class

Show your work on all questions for full credit.

Majority Wisdom

Question 1

Three people answer the question "Which is taller on average, an ostrich or an emu?" If each person is 70% correct when they answer questions like this, what is the probability that the majority answer is correct?

Question 2

How many ways are there to choose 4 people from a class of 7?

Question 3

What is the probability that with 7 people voting, 5 are exactly right, given that each person is 70% correct?

Question 4

Nine people answer the question "Which has a higher average weight, an African or Asian elephant?" If each person is 51% correct when the answer questions like this, what is the probability that the majority answer is correct?
© Mark Goadrich 2009, Centenary College of Louisiana