CSC107 - Lab 7

Assigned Feb 29th
Due Mar 6th 5 pm

Show your work on all questions for full credit. We will discuss this lab on Monday March 5th.



Question 1

Assume our termites can eliminate 20% of the piles every 30 ticks. Starting with 4000 piles, how many piles are there remaining after 3000 ticks?

Question 2

From the model above, change the setup procedure to make two types of wood, yellow and red. Rewrite the other procedures to have the termites eventually sort the pieces into two piles. Turn in a screenshot of your new procedures or email your .sltng file.

Question 3

From the model above, alter the code to have the termites pick up two pieces of wood before dropping them when they hit the next pile. How does this change the rate of decay for the number of piles? Turn in a screenshot of your new procedures or email your .sltng file.

© Mark Goadrich 2012, Centenary College of Louisiana