CSC107 - Lab 5
Voting Theory
Assigned Jan 22
Due Jan 25th 4pm
Show your work on all questions for full credit.
Voting Theory
Question 1
9 voters in a district have to choose between two candidates on the issue of
Haircuts. The voters are distributed on a continuum from 1 - 9, where 1 means
they want everyone to be bald, and 9 means no haircuts ever.
Name | Position |
Amy | 7 |
Brad | 5 |
Charles | 2 |
Donna | 1 |
Ernie | 4 |
Florence | 8 |
Geoff | 5 |
Heidi | 2 |
Irving | 2 |
Two candidates have chosen to campaign on different platforms to be elected. Candidate A
chooses position 2 and candidate B chooses position 5. Who wins this election and why?
Question 2
What if candidate A changed their position to 4. How would this affect the outcome?
Question 3
For the next two questions, you are given the following set of voting preferences, where
the number of people having this exact preference is listed in the first column.
Count | First | Second | Third |
6 | Barney | Fred | Wilma |
12 | Barney | Wilma | Fred |
21 | Wilma | Fred | Barney |
7 | Fred | Wilma | Barney |
Who would win the
election under the Borda Count method?
Question 4
Who would win the election under the Instant Runoff Method?
Question 5
Do Exercise 1 in Chapter 23 of Networks, Crowds and Markets.
Question 6
Do Exercise 2 in Chapter 23 of Networks, Crowds and Markets.
© Mark Goadrich 2012, Centenary College of Louisiana