CSC207 - Project 3
Unspeakable Words

Assigned Nov 30th 12 p.m.
Part 1 Due Dec 4th 4 p.m.
Part 2 Due Dec 18th 3 p.m.


For this project, we will explore more object-oriented programming in the context of a card game. We will create a program for multiple players to play the game Unspeakable Words.

In particular, this project will cover the following concepts we have discussed in class:

You may work with one partner on this project. When you turn in Part 1, you must make clear who you are working with if anyone, and you cannot change partners for Part 2.


Unspeakable Words is a word game based on the Cthulhu mythos from H. P. Lovecraft. In this game, players are uncovering ancient words man was not meant to spell. The first player to reach 100 points will win the game, however, the more points you score the more you are risking your sanity, and you must be sane to win the game.

You can find the rules here. We will stick to the basic rules.

For the letter cards, we will be following the English letter distribution from Scrabble, minus the blank tiles. We will therefore have 98 letter cards as follows:

Part 1: Design - 3%

For part 1 of the assignment, create a design document detailing all the objects you will need to represent the display and interactions necessary to carry out the game. Be as detailed as possible, discussing the components and functionality needed for each part of the game.

Part 2: Implementation - 12%

I will release my design document on Friday December 4th, when Part 1 is due. It will have a sample implementation scheme to help you complete the project.


As an extension for extra credit, you can implement the "Unspellable Oath" and "Last Words" optional rules. Also, you can make your implementation flexible enough to load a letter distribution file instead of using the fixed distribution above.

What to Hand In

Log in to through either Secure FTP or WinSCP using your cs login and password. Create a subdirectory from csc207 called project3. Copy your and project into this directory, along with any other files you need to run your code. Make sure you have followed the Python Style Guide, and have run your project through the Automated Style Checker.

You must hand in:

and any other files necessary to run your code.
© Mark Goadrich 2008, Centenary College of Louisiana