To access the Turtle module and define a turtle, we use the following lines of code:
import turtle t = turtle.Turtle()
With our turtle t, we can make this turtle navigate around the screen, similar to our programming with Scratch.
Some commands for the turtle are:
, t.back(n)
will move the
turtle n
pixels in the current direction, t.goto(x, y)
will go to a
particular location on the screen.
, t.left(d)
will turn the turtle left or right
by d
t.penup(), t.pendown()
Now we can repeat, at each level, replace these four new lines in the same manner. Write a recursive
function in a file called
to have the turtle draw this replacement, with the base case being to draw a line, and
the recursive case be to draw these four lines at 1/3 the original distance.
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