CSC234 - Project 1
My First Java Program

Assigned Jan 16th 2 p.m.
Due Jan 23rd 1 p.m.


Write a Java program called to convert kilometers into miles. Your program should ask the user for the number of kilometers they wish to convert, and it will output the number of miles. Your code should be formatted and tabbed in a consistent manner, and include appropriate comments.


What to turn in

To hand in your Project 1 files, follow the steps listed below from the Wright Lab computers:
  1. Open the Terminal application.
  2. SSH with ssh to connect with the cs server.
  3. Type in your password.
  4. Make a new directory with mkdir csc234/project1
  5. Log out of the cs server with logout
  6. Change to the directory where you have your files on the local computer.
  7. Securely copy your files to your directory with scp filenames"csc234/project1"

© Mark Goadrich 2008, Centenary College of Louisiana