CSC234 - Project 3
6 Nimmt!

Assigned Feb 22nd 1 p.m.
Due Mar 1st 1 p.m.

Provided Files

Java API Resources



This project will familiarize you with coding using the java.util.ArrayList class, the sort method of the java.util.Collections class, and the use of a Stack interface.

You will be completing an implementation of the game 6 Nimmt!, a card game for two to ten players. In this game, you interact with rows of cards using a Stack, and can keep a hand of card and a scoring pile using a List. To learn more about the game, see the Rules and Online Implementation linked above.

For this project, you will be implementing the toString and play method for the SixNimmt class. For more details, see the code above in the Provided Files section.

What to turn in

  1. completed file plus the above files. I should be able to run your code in your directory.
Hand in your Project 3 files in a directory called project3 in your csc234 directory on the server.
© Mark Goadrich 2009, Centenary College of Louisiana