CSC254 - Project 2
Synchonization and Deadlock

Assigned October 23rd 2 p.m.
Due November 8th 2 p.m.



This project will make use of two classes we have seen before in the Java API:

Also use the class, it contains methods which simplify the processes of talking to the user in Java and allows easy Thread sleeping.

Part 1

Do Exploration Project 4.2 from the book on page 119. You must hand in the answers to the questions in parts a and b, as well as your modified program for part b.

Part 2

Do Programming Project 4.5 from the book on page 118. You will need to write three classes besides implementing the program from Figure 4.17, as detailed below.


As a user, let the program run for at least one minute, recording the output from BoundedBuffer when the threads are waiting. Test out your BufferAccess program with varying values for P, C and lambda, with lambda between 2 and 20. Report on your results and the effect of different inputs on the waiting of your Producers and Consumers.

What to Hand In

Log in to the server. Create a subdirectory from your csc254 directory called project2 and make it read, write and execute privileges for only the owner (chmod 700).

You must hand in your files for:

along with the provided file:
© Mark Goadrich 2007, Centenary College of Louisiana