CSC310 - Task 2
Client Report: Requirements

Assigned Sep 1st 9:45 a.m.
Due Sep 10th 9:45 a.m.

We will be using Google Apps for collaboration on this project, from Google Code for sharing implementations to Google Docs for sharing presentations.

You are required to schedule a meeting with your client prior to the presentation on Sep 10th. CC me on the emails you send to set up this meeting. The purpose of this meeting is for you to meet the client face to face and get an understanding of what they expect and need for their website. Try to get as detailed of information as possible about the types of data they will need to store and the interactions they want possible.

What you need on Sep 10th

You will be giving a 10 minute in-class presentation on the requirements you have gathered from your client. Your requirements list and all information you gather should be a Google Doc, and your presentation should be a Google Presentation.

Your presentation must include Entity-Relationship diagrams detailing your understanding of what the client needs in terms of data necessary to execute this website. You can draw diagrams in Google Docs that match those in the textbook in Chapter 2.

Questions to be answered in the presentation