CSCI 150 - Lab 12
Fractal Recursion


Certain elements of mathematics can be naturally described by recursion, as we saw with the factorial function. Today, we will look into the mathematics of fractals and how some of their properties can be described with recursion.



We will be using the Turtle module in python for our fractals today, like Sierpinski's Triangle, Koch Snowflake, and the Dragon Curve.

To access the Turtle module and define a turtle, we use the following lines of code:

import turtle
t = turtle.Turtle()

With our turtle t, we can make this turtle navigate around the screen, similar to our programming with Scratch.

Some commands for the turtle are:

Step 1

The first type of fractal we will examine uses a simple rewrite rule. Iterative, we can replace a straight line with four new smaller lines, connected up with the following angles.

Now we can repeat, at each level, replace these four new lines in the same manner. Write a recursive function in a file called fractal.pyto have the turtle draw this replacement, with the base case being to draw a line, and the recursive case be to draw these four lines at 1/3 the original distance.

Step 2

Create functions for the following transformations:

Koch 2

Koch 3


Step 3

These next two are a little different. They each require two functions for replacement instead of just one above.

Dragon Curve

Sierpinski's Triangle

Step 4

Create your own replacement rule for your personal fractal, and write code to draw this new fractal.

What to Hand In

Log in to Moodle and handin your code. Make sure you have followed the Python Style Guide, and have run your project through the Automated Style Checker.

You must hand in:

© Mark Goadrich, Hendrix