The WaterJug puzzle can be explained as follows:
You have two jugs, A and B, and an infinite supply of water. There are
three types of actions that you can use: (1) you can fill a jug to capacity,
(2) you
can completely empty a jug, and (3) you can pour from one jug to the other.
Pouring from one jug to the other stops when the first jug is empty
or the second jug is full, whichever comes first. For example, if A
has 5 gallons and B has 6 gallons and a capacity of 8, then pouring
from A to B leaves B full and 3 gallons in A.
For this demonstration, we'll state that A has capacity 4 and B has capacity 3. Our goal, which we must complete in less than one minute, is to somehow get exactly 2 gallons of water in jug A. We need to find a set of operations, filling, emptying, and pouring, where we can reach this goal. One possible solution is as follows:
POUR from A to B
POUR from A to B
POUR from A to B
We now have exactly 2 gallons of water jug A. (Try it!). Phew, we're still alive! Wouldn't it be nice to have a computer program to help us solve this? We can do that using Python, by simulating the physical world using mathematical calculations inside Objects called WaterJugs. Now let's design the general WaterJug class.
Each WaterJug will need to have two components that we can think of as the state of that WaterJug.
Also, a WaterJug needs some functionality to change the state of the internal components. In object-oriented programming, these are called methods.
__init__( capacity, contents )
constructor method__str__( )
to print off the components of the WaterJugfill( amount )
to fill up the WaterJug to a given amountempty( )
to completely empty the WaterJug
class WaterJug():
Our constructor sets up the components of the object, so it can be used
later. In general, we bring in a parameter for each component and assign them
to a piece of a special variable called self
using dot notation.
But we must be careful with our methods, and also with our constructors, to make sure we don't violate the integrity of our class. In our constructor method, there could be serious problems when we're not careful. If we write the following constructor:
def __init__(self, cap, cont): self.capacity = cap self.contents = cont
We've opened ourselves up to a problem. A malicious user
could call george = WaterJug(7, 23)
, and
we have a physically impossible WaterJug. We can avoid creating
invalid WaterJug objects by raising an exception.
def __init__(self, cap, cont): if cap < 0 or cont < 0 or cap < cont: raise NameError("Invalid parameters for WaterJug") self.capacity = cap self.contents = cont
This exception can then be caught by whomever is using this class. These are things you need to watch for as a programmer. Be defensive.
The next common method you will see in an instantiable object is the __str__
method. If we try to print a WaterJug without this method, we will only see
<__main__.WaterJug instance at 0x90e7b0>
To get a better notion of the contents of this WaterJug, we can write the following method
def __str__(self): return "(" + str(self.capacity) + "," + str(self.contents) + ")"
Now, when we print a WaterJug, the output is (4,3)
for a WaterJug with capacity 4 and contents 3.
def fill(self, amount): self.contents += amount return 0
This works fine when amount + self.contents <= self.capacity
. However, it
fails if amount + self.contents > self.capacity
. So we must do more.
def fill(self, amount): self.contents += amount if self.contents >= self.capacity: overflow = self.contents - self.capacity self.contents -= overflow return overflow else: return 0
Wonderful, now we take care of the overflow when more is added than possible for this WaterJug to hold.
return self.contents
as our method body,
since this misses the point of emptying a WaterJug, namely that the
contents go to zero. Also, we cannot use the following code:
def empty(self): self.contents = 0 return self.contents
We want to place a zero in contents and get back the value, but this code squashes the value of contents first. All we will ever return is zero. So we must do more. We need a temporary place to put the value of contents so that it is not squashed by our method, so we can swap zero and the value of contents. This temporary value can then be returned, and our method succeeds.
def empty(self): temp = self.contents self.contents = 0 return temp
You never know when a Python class could save your life. And remember, "Think fast, Look alive, Die hard."
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