CSCI 150 - Project 2
Word Games
Assigned March 13
Due March 20
For this project, we will explore more complex interactions with the user by implementing
control statements and loops. You will create a program for one user to play a
word game of your choice.
In particular, your project must include the following concepts we have discussed in class:
- Booleans
- Functions
- Control Statements
- While Loops
- For Loops
- Strings
- Lists
The game can be for one person against a computer, or two players against each other.
Some examples are
Do not feel limited by the games on this list. Find a game that interests you and
implement it. If you choose something else, check with me first, so I can advise you
on the scope of your project.
You should explain the game to the user, being clear exactly what input is expected
and valid whenever requesting information from them.
The user must be able to
choose a level of difficulty for the game,
be offered the chance to play the game again when finished, and
make mistakes in entry of information and be prompted to correct their input.
Your code should make good use of functions. Using functions will reduce the amount of code you need
to write as well as make your program easier to debug. However, do not write spaghetti code,
where functions call each other back and forth to continue execution of the program;
let your functions naturally return values and use loops to repeat the game turns.
What to Hand In
You must hand in all files necessary to run your code.
Make sure
you have followed the Python Style Guide, and
have run your project through the Automated Style Checker.
© Mark Goadrich, Hendrix College