CSCI 151 - Project 2
Maze Algorithms


In this project, you will write complete two algorithms related to the Maze implementation from Lab 4.



  1. Use the code from Lab 4 for this project.


Now that you have a working computational model of a maze, we can implement two algorithms using Stacks to create and solve mazes.

Step 1 - Update Cell

Uncomment code labeled for this portion in Add a VISITED element to the Cell class. This will be used to record where the search algorithm below makes a trail and backtracks after finding a dead end. The Color is AQUA, flipped should return CLOSED, and canEnter will return true.

Step 2 - Update Maze

Write a new method for Maze.

public int numOpenNeighbors(Position p)

This method returns the number of neighbors for a given position that are open. This does not include the given position, only its four neighbors, one in each Direction.

Step 3 - Generic Stack

Implement a generic stack that hold any type of Object in java. This stack should be based on either your ListIntStack or your ArrayIntStack. You should name your stack without the Int portion, so you should have either a ListStack or an ArrayStack.

Step 4 - Creating Random Mazes

First, you will be creating random mazes by implementing the tunnelRandomly function. You will use the randomDirections method of Direction.

public void tunnelRandomly()

Create a stack of Positions, and push (0,0) onto the stack.

While the stack still has Positions:

Step 5 - Solving Mazes

Finally, you will write an algorithm to solve a maze with the solve method.

public Trail solve()

If there is no Explorer in the maze or no Goal in the maze, then return null.

Create a stack of Trails, and push the Trail starting at the Explorer's position onto the stack.

While the stack still has potential Trails, and you have not reached the goal:

What to Hand In

Submit your updated and files along with any additional files you created such as the Stack.


Your grade will be determined by the number of tests you pass.
© Mark Goadrich, Hendrix College