Lab 3: Jekyll Blog

In this lab, you will learn about Jekyll and Markdown to create a blog on You will gain exposure to a framework that generates websites, continue building experience with GitHub and GitKraken, familiarize yourself with the terminal method for installing software, and host a local server.


Blogging with Github Pages

Step 1: Making a repository

Navigate to and create a New repository called csci340blog, with the following options:

  • Add a short description of your repository.
  • Make the repository public.
  • Initalize the repository with a README file.
  • Select the Jekyll option from the "add .gitignore" dropdown menu.
Finally, click on the green "Create Repository" button.

You should now have a shiny new repository, and GitHub will direct you to its main page.

Step 2: Cloning your repository locally

Click on the Setting tab near the top of the repository page. Scroll down to the GitHub Pages section, and set the Source to be the master branch. This way, your current repository will be processed as a subdirectory of your website.

Now, clone the repository locally with GitKraken as you did in the last lab. Find csci340blog in your linked account, navigate to or create a good directory, and click the "Clone the repo!" button.

Step 3: Installing Ruby and Jekyll

Open the Terminal or Command Prompt and navigate to your new local repository directory.

Next, you will need to install Ruby. You can do this in a few ways. Follow these instructions to get Ruby on your computer.

To check that Ruby is properly installed, from the command line, type

ruby --version

With Ruby installed, we need to get an extension called bundler. We can install bundler with the gem package manager. Type the following line at the command line:

gem install bundler

Depending on how you installed Ruby, you might need to use sudo in front of the previous line to properly execute the installation.

One last piece. Open a new text file called Gemfile in your repository. In this file, type the following two lines, and save the file.

  source ''
  gem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins

Finally, we can install Jekyll by executing the following command.

bundle install

Step 4: Making the default blog

Now with all the right software installed on your computer, you can quickly create the default Jekyll blog framework. Run the following command from the terminal, making sure you are located in the directory corresponding to your cloned repository.

bundle exec jekyll _3.3.0_ new . --force

This should create many files and directories for you to explore. Open up the folder in Atom to browse through the files.

To see your blog in action, we will first look at your blog locally. Again, in the directory corresponding to your cloned repository, run the following command:

bundle exec jekyll serve

This will start a local server on your computer, and when it is running, you should be able to view your blog through the url

Finally, let's put this code back in your public repository on GitHub so it is viewable anywhere on the web. Using GitKraken, Stage all the changed made by installing the blog template, Commit them, and then Push your commit.

Now, you can look at your blog on GitHub Pages, using

Step 5: Fixing the default blog

Hmm... there are a few things we need to fix before it looks right on the web, because the blog is located in a subdirectory.

Edit the Gemfile. Comment out the following line:

gem "jekyll", "~> 3.8.5"

And uncomment this line:

gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins

Using GitKraken, Stage your changes, Commit them, and then Push your commit.

Next, edit the file named _config.yml. Find the line concerning baseurl, and edit it to say

baseurl "/csci340blog"

You should notice that this _config.yml also contains some basic info that is displayed on your blog. Edit the following lines to personalize this information.

  • title
  • email
  • description
  • twitter_username
  • github_username

Using GitKraken, Stage your changes, Commit them, and then Push your commit.

Now, the links should work on your blog up at GitHub Pages, using

Step 6: Making your first post

Our last step is to use Markdown to start writing blog posts. Future assignments will require you to make post on this blog.

You will be adding files to the _posts/ directory, following the YYYY-MM-DD-descriptive-tile.markdown naming conventions found in the "Welcome to Jekyll" post. These posts will be written in the Markdown language, which is then converted to HTML.

Write a new post titled "Introduction Post", describing your setup experience in this blog. What parts were new to you? What parts did you struggle with? What parts still do not make sense? What are you looking forward to? Your post must include at least two links and a list.

Create a _drafts/ folder, and move the "Welcome to Jekyll" file into this new drafts directory.

As you write blog posts for this and future assignments, I recommend using the local server method shown above for previewing and tweaking your text as you make commits. Once you are happy with your text, push it to github repository.

Using GitKraken, Stage your changes, Commit them, and then Push your commit.

View your post at to make sure everything is correct.

What to Hand In

Send an email to Dr. Goadrich with a link to your first post up on GitHub pages.


Completing Steps 1-5 earn you a C. Step 6 earns an A.