CSCI 340 - Lab 3


In this lab, you will practice using your HTML and CSS skills.



Use the above link to generate three random nouns. Your task is to create a website inspired by these nouns. Open up Liveweave. When you save the page, it will now have a URL that can be shared.

Your webpage should include at least one list, three images, multiple header levels, fonts from Google Fonts, aesthetically pleasing colors, and div tags with margins and padding. You should use the Bootstrap framework for the layout of your webpage.

The images you use must be public domain images.

You may use the code you wrote on Codecademy as a reference, but you must have a different layout structure, and go beyond what you learned in significant ways.

What to Hand In

Turn in the link to your Liveweave website on Moodle.


Your code must pass the HTML and CSS validators, and include all the elements described above.
© Mark Goadrich, Hendrix College