CSCI 340 - Lab 3
In this lab, you will practice using your HTML and CSS skills.
Follow the tutorial on Codecademy for Making a Website
to learn and practice basic skills in HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap.
Use the above link to generate three random nouns. Your task is to create a website
inspired by these nouns. Open up Liveweave. When you save
the page, it will now have a URL that can be shared.
Your webpage should include at least
- one list
- three images
- multiple header levels
- aesthetically pleasing to Goadrich fonts from Google Fonts
- aesthetically pleasing colors
- div tags with margins and padding
- Bootstrap framework for the layout of your webpage
The images you use must be public domain images.
You may use the code you wrote on Codecademy as a reference, but you must have a
different layout structure, and go beyond what you learned in significant ways.
What to Hand In
Turn in the link to your Liveweave website on
Moodle, and a screencapture of your
certificate of completion from Codecademy.
Your code must pass the HTML and CSS validators, and include all the elements
described above.
© Mark Goadrich, Hendrix College