Math 104 - Term Project

Assigned August 25th 4 p.m.
Part 1 Due September 29th 9 a.m.
Part 2 Due October 24th 9 a.m.
Part 3 Due November 19th 9 a.m.
Part 4 Due December 5th 9 a.m.


In this project, you and a partner will be researching a dataset using the tools and functions we have learned in class. You will use these tools to write a paper which makes a convincing argument based on the data you have collected, and give a 6 minute presentation on your findings to the class.

Part 1

Decide on an issue you are interested in and collect data for that issue, including at least a one-variable dataset and a two-variable dataset. Submit the following: all your datasets with the variables you are interested in clearly identified along with a short statement about what issue you wish to research.

This is due in class on Sep 29th.

Part 2

Determine what types of mathematical analysis would best suit your data. You may use any of the tools we have developed in class (bar charts, histograms, mean, median, scatter plots, average rate of change, regression analysis, linear models, and exponential models). Submit the following: your Part 1 material along with a list of tools you will be using. You must specify which variables you will be using. (For example, if you are researching voting in the U.S., you cannot say "I will use a scatter plot." Instead, be specific and say "I will create a scatter plot with years on the horizontal axis and percentage of registered voters voting on the vertical axis." )

This is due in class on October 24.

Part 3

Create a draft that argues a thesis based on your data and analysis. Your paper should consist of the following: I would expect a well-written paper to be at least three pages (double space) not counting graphs. I would expect a well-written paper to contain a graph for each data set. The audience for this paper is citizens who are concerned about your issue but not familiar with the data you are presenting. You can assume your audience has a level of mathematical understanding similar to yours.

This is due in class on November 17th

Part 4

Turn in a final version of your Stage 3 draft.

This is due in class on December 5th.

Part 5

You and your partner will present your findings to the rest of the class in a 6 minute presentation. Your presentation should follow your paper, having an introduction to the topic, graphs and data analysis, and a conclusion.

These presentations will be on December 8th and 10th.


Part 1 (5 possible points):

You will earn all five points if:

  1. You have a one-variable dataset
  2. You have a two-variable dataset
  3. All important variables are identified
  4. You statement clearly indicates what are you are researching
  5. Your work is pledged
You will lose one point for each item that is missing above.

Part 2 (5 possible points):

You will earn all five points if:

  1. You us a variety of different tools for both one variable and two variable datasets.
  2. Your description f the tools clearly identifies the variables
  3. Your work is pledged.
You will lose points if any of these are missing

Part 3 and 4 (20 points)

For both the draft and the final version, I will use the below rubric. If your draft score is at least eight points, I will give you the higher of the two scores. Otherwise, I will average the two scores.

Part 5 (15 points)


The following books and websites may be good places to start finding datasets. I have put a great deal of emphasis on recent works on controversial issues that advance an argument; these are good models for you to follow in your paper.