Math 311 - Lab 4

Assigned Feb 8th
Due Feb 22th Beginning of Class

Zombie Apocalypse

For this lab, we will investigate and model the zombie apocalypse.


You will be creating two models for this lab in InsightMaker.

Run each of your models for a reasonable time, enough to ensure that the outbreak occurs and is subsequently contained. Tweak the parameters to find ways to minimize the impact of the zombie infection in comparison to the SIR model.


Include a screenshot of the diagrams you made to explain the relationships present within your two models.

Include a graph that shows the change in population of each stock over time.


Describe the differences between your two models. Which extension do you think had the most impact on the differences you see?

Research the Reproductive Number and how it is used in epidemiology. What would you need to investigate to determine the reproductive number for your zombie apocalypse models?

Extra Credit

It is recommended you watch the movie Contagion, which has been praised for being realistically based on science. Write a one-page review of the film, contrasting it with what you learned from your models.