CSC 204 - Java Programming and Data Structures

Centenary College of Louisiana
Wright Building Fishbowl Lab
TR 3:30-4:45 - Spring 2008

Instructor: Dr. Mark Goadrich

Contact Info
104 Wright Building
(318) 869-5194

Office Hours
MF 9:00-11:30
W 1:00-3:00
or by appointment

Overview | Syllabus | Labs | Projects | Exams | Grading

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Course Details


Introduction to Programming in Java: An Interdisciplinary Approach
by Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne, 2008
Princeton University
ISBN: 978-0321498052
Find this book at Amazon


This course will provide an in-depth course in computer science, in particular the programming language Java. Course topics will include mathematical and functional methods of programming, arrays, object-oriented programming, and an introduction to data structures such as lists and symbol tables. Projects and in-class labs will be focused on interdisciplinary topics.


CSC 104, experience programming, or permission of instructor.

Quizzes and Participation

You are encouraged to attend class and participate in discussions. Active participation in class discussions will comprise 5% of your final grade. Unannounced Quizzes will be given once every two or so weeks, covering small portions of either reading material or topics covered in class. These quizzes will also count for 5% of your final grade.

Extra Credit

Extra credit for this course can be earned by participating in the Centenary Math Problem of the Week (POTW). Each reasonable submission will be worth an additional 0.5% toward your final grade, CC me with your submission for credit.


Centenary assures students with disabilities equal opportunity to reach the same level of achievement as other students. Strict confidentiality will be maintained on students with disabilities. Services for students with disabilities are available through the Counseling Center, located on the ground floor of Rotary Residence Hall, phone (318) 869-5424.

Honor Code

All students are bound by the Honor System. The Honor System is applicable to all academic work. See the Centenary College Handbook for the complete Honor Code.


Extensions and rescheduling for labs, projects, exams and quizzes are only given when circumstances beyond your control (e.g. being sick, choir or sports travel) prevent you from completing a project on time. You must notify me either by email or phone of your circumstances well in advance of the due date. No extensions are given for requests made within three days of the due date.


We will be covering most of the textbook. We will also be using additional supplemental material such as relevant web-pages and background material. Readings will be assigned before material will be covered in class. You are expected to review the material and come to class prepared. As readings are assigned, they will be posted here.


Much of your experience with programming in this course will be through weekly labs, which will comprise 25% of your final grade. Each lab will be assigned in class with time allotted to work through the materials, and will be due at the beginning of the next class period. All labs are weighted equally within the Lab portion of your final grade.

You may work with a partner on the lab assignments if you choose. Their name must be listed on any code you hand in as joint work.


You will have four projects in this course, one about every four weeks, for a total of 35% of your final grade. These projects will cover concepts we have discussed in class and in labs, and will be due approximately two weeks after they are assigned.

You may work with a partner on the lab assignments if you choose. Their name must be listed on any code you hand in as joint work. You will be graded not only on correctness, but also technique, documentation and evaluation of your solution. Further details on the grading standards and handin instructions for each project will be given when they are assigned.


There will be two exams (midterm and final), each worth 15% of your final grade.


Your final grade for this course will be based on the Homework, Project, Exams and Participation described above.
Grading Scale

© Mark Goadrich, Centenary College of Louisiana